Thursday 9 December 2010

Question 2 Evaluation how does your media product represent particular social groups?

I have decided to compare my character to Drew Barrymore's character to see the similarities. Both of our posture was very similar in the sense that we both have a mobile phone in this shot, we both stand in the same sort of way. Two things that are different about us is that Drew Barrymore is smiling and has the phone to her ear whereas i am showing a different emotion i look upset and have the phone in my hand.
We are also wearing similar clothing, not the same but on the same line, we are both wearing jumpers and they are similar colours. We also have the same camera shot we have a medium shot. Both pictures were taken inside a house but the lighting is very different. In the picture on the left the lighting is very dark and suggests a mood of dark and evil whereas on the right the lighting is very bright and creates a mood of happiness and joy. We also have different hairstyles, the picture on the right looks like a very old fashioned hairstyle and the on the left looks very modern also we have completely different colour hair i have dark brown and she has blond. Overall i think the elements of these two pictures represent how young girls on there own are very venerable and are always the subject of a horror film. This is one of the most iconic moments of a horror/thriller because you can be certain that there will always be a young girl left on her own, where she is then left as the subjects pray. Nearly every time the young girl of the film will be attacked, killed or taken away.

Both antagonists have a very similar mise-en-scene. They are both in a houses that look just like a normal everyday house where you are lead to believe nothing could go wrong but obviously this is not the case because we know that everything is about to go wrong for these two antagonists. Both shots are what appear to be in the livening room of the house, this is the cosiest place and most relaxed, this is where the family sit down together of an evening and just relax together. They also have white walls in the house, a very calming colour which also tricks that audience in to a sence of denial. This also plays on the venerability of antagonists. Both of us are similar age i am 18 and Drew Barrymore plays a 17 year old girl so this is the iconic age for a young victim of a horror and they are always female.

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